What are Basic Grounds for Annulment?

People may find some difficulties in their respective married lives after some time. As a result, both the partners take up the final decision of being separated from each other.
There are mainly two ways through which you and your spouse can attain the separation. The processes that are implemented are divorce and annulment.

One side divorce process is a quite long and complex procedure for legal separation between two individuals as it includes consideration of various essential matters such as child custody, child support or child visitation, property or debt division, alimony support etc.
However, on the other side, annulment is valid in the case where marriage is completely nullified on the basis of its occurrence for short duration.

The highly significant difference between these two process is that people may attain the status of single and marriage can be declared as never existed in the past just after going through the annulment process, whereas spouses after getting divorce from each other, normally called as divorcee as their marital status.
Through this article, we are providing detailed information regarding basic grounds and essential elements associated with this special process.

What is annulment?

The procedure mainly results into complete nullification of the relationship between two individuals. The annulled marriage is never in fact considered as a valid and legal relationship between the partners.

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The procedure is also connected with the church which believes in ending any marital relationship on the basis of associated grounds rather than ending it by divorce process.
Therefore, whenever any relationship is found with voids then court house may declare that relation as never existed or legally happened in the past.

As a result, such marriages are completely nullified on the grounds of annulment. However, this legal process can only be implemented on the basis of presentation of definite grounds defined in the section of annulment of particular state.

Like divorce, this procedure also takes place as per the laws and rights defined in particular state. The procedure may also vary from state to state. Most importantly, just like divorce even this process is valid on the basis of mentioning of specific grounds and conditions by both the parties.

Basic Grounds for Annulment

The process mainly entails definite grounds on the basis of which the annulment is valid for both the parties. Here we are mentioning some of the major grounds specific for this process:

Prior married condition of either of two partners

The process is completely valid in case where either of two partners is proved as a married individual with some third person, and most importantly if his or her spouse is living at the time of marriage.

Under age condition of either of two partners

At the time of marriage, if either of two partners is found with under age condition and do not satisfy the legal formalities for marital relationship in particular state. Then such relations can be declared as never existed and non-legally established and considered as annulled marriage.

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Drug addiction of either of two partners

If your spouse is severely indulged in excessive drug intake and alcohol consumption, then you can easily file for this process on the basis of this ground.

Mental inability of the partner

The declaration of mental inability of the spouse with the help of documentation proof by medical professionals can also be considered by the court house and provide the validation of the process in such marital cases.

Marriage between individuals having blood relationship

A kind of relationship between two individuals who have blood relationship with each other, may file for the process into the court house of their respective state. As a result, the incestuous marriage condition can be easily taken into consideration for legal depart through annulment.

Marriage based on fraud condition put by either of two partners

Most importantly, if either of two partners is not serious and put all fraud and lied conditions, especially at the time of marriage. Then, another partner can straight file for the procedure in front of the court house.

Physical unfit condition of either of two partner

If either of two partners shows the physically unfit situation in terms of inability to establish a healthy sexual relationship with respective partner and declared with incurable impotent condition, then this situation can be considered as one of the major issues for getting separation from each other.

Forced marriage

There can be possibility that either of two individuals may have undergone the marital relationship after being pressurized from family members and others, therefore later such married individuals can easily file the case who look for separation from their respective partners without undergoing any severe complications in their case.

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Marital relationship against the common law of marriage of the state

If the relation between two individuals does not satisfy the common laws of marriage of their state then also this process can be run to provide legal end to such relations.

In the end, it can be stated that annulment process is greatly similar to divorce and ultimately results into legal separation between two individuals, however it may differ and be valid for specific conditions as mentioned above.