Instant Acne Treatments — How to Get Rid of Acne Now!

Want to get rid of acne right away? Don’t let your acne get out of control, but do what you can to get rid of it immediately.

The Best Instant Acne Treatments

Here are a few things that you can try to eliminate those pimples as quickly as possible:


Surprisingly, washing your face will actually be quite an effective solution to help you deal with the acne problems you’re having.

While it won’t get rid of the pimple immediately, it will get rid of the dirt on your face that’s causing the clog – the clog that’s responsible for making the pimples form.

It will help to soothe the pimple, and it can reduce a bit of the redness.

Wash your face regularly, and you will find that pimples will likely be a thing of the past. Get rid of acne by drinking more!


Cucumber is a remedy for many things, which is why so many spas apply it to your face during their instant acne treatments and spa treatments.

If you want to get rid of your acne problems, you should try applying either grated or sliced cucumbers to your face.

The juice of the cucumbers contains a lot of Vitamin A, which will help to improve the condition of your skin, promote healthy elimination of the dead skin cells, and will restore the skin that has been damaged by the pimple.

The cucumber will also help to detoxify your skin, leaving it much healthier and less likely to be damaged.

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Natural yogurt is very acidic, and that acid can help to cure your pimples.

The acid will help to get rid of the bacteria on your skin, and it will actually nourish and soften your skin when it’s applied directly to it.

You should always use the yogurt without sugar, and make sure that the whey is not included in the yogurt.

Beat it until it’s creamy, apply it to the infected areas on your face, and let it sit for about 10 minutes.

Wash it off after this time, and you’ll be amazed to see how much it has improved the condition of your acne-ridden skin.

Tomato Juice

This juice isn’t only useful for washing off skunk spray, but it can help to get rid of unsightly pimples as well.

It will make noticeable improvements to your skin, even after a single application.

Simply rub the pulp from a raw tomato onto your skin, gently applying it to the pimples on your face.

Let it sit for an hour in order to ensure that it’s properly absorbed into your skin, and wash it off to see just how much improvement is made in the condition of your skin.

Vinegar and Cornstarch

Mixing a couple of teaspoons of corn starch with a single teaspoon of vinegar will provide you with a thick paste, which you can then apply to your acne.

Make sure to apply it only to the affected areas, as it will be a fairly strong combination.

Let it sit on your face for about half an hour, and make sure to use a washcloth to gently wash it from your skin.

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You’ll be amazed at how much your skin has improved, and your acne will be gone much more quickly!


Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, which will help to detoxify your skin and get rid of the toxins that are causing your pores to clog more easily.

Their leaves also contain alkaline that will help to reduce the swelling on your face – swelling that is the result of your pimple outbreaks.

Soak the leaves for a few minutes, using warm water. Place them directly onto your acne, and watch how they help to get rid of the problem fairly quickly.

Of course, you will need to wash off any chemicals or pesticides left on the strawberries, but once they’re clean, they can do wonders for your skin.

Groundnut Oil

Groundnut oil is a wonderful oil, and it contains many nutrients that will help to improve the condition of your skin.

If you dilute it with a bit of rose water and apply it to your skin, you’ll find that it will be a wonderful wash to use to help get rid of acne.

Combining it with warm milk will also work as a face wash, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Mixing it with lemon juice will make a wonderful topical treatment that you can use to ensure that the acne is eliminated – with no hopes of ever returning.

Yogurt and Lemon

While most people think that this combination is silly, it’s not for eating – it’s to use for your face.

If you mix a juice of regular, unsweetened yogurt with a few tablespoons of lemon juice, you will be making a wonderful skin toner.

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It will help to clear up your acne problems quickly, and you will find that regular use of this toner will actually improve the condition of your skin.

Not only will it deal with the current outbreaks, but it will kill off the P. acne bacteria that are causing the acne in the first place.


The combination of black gram and sandalwood powders will make a fairly thick paste, particularly if you combine the two with rose water.

Use your fingers to gently apply the fine paste to your skin, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Once you’ve washed your face with warm water, you’ll be amazed at how much of a difference the paste has made.

Your skin will be clean and clear in no time, just using this remedy a couple of times for as long as you can see the pimple.

If you mix turmeric powder with sandalwood powder, it will make a wonderful paste that can be applied directly to your skin.

This paste will go a long way towards improving the condition of your skin, and you’ll find that it is one of the best instant acne treatments to make repairs to the spots on your face that have been damaged by pimples