10 Single Things you Must Do Before Getting Married

Being with someone for the rest of your life is such a wonderful and blissful feeling but being all by yourself is also worth experiencing.

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If you’re a single woman, try out these single things before you plan on settling down.

10 Single Things You Must Do Before Getting Married

Travel alone

Go out and explore new places alone. First, of the single things you must do before getting married is to travel alone. I don’t care if it’s in a different continent, country, or just out of town. Just travel alone.

It might be terrifying but you’ll find it very liberating to learn new things, meet people and discover new cultures all by yourself.

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You don’t need to feel comfortable to start traveling alone. Just make the first step, pack your bags, and head to the next destination.

Eat in a Fancy Restaurant alone

Eating alone is quite normal when you’re running late for a meeting and you need to fill your empty tummy.

Eating in a fancy restaurant alone is different. I’m not talking about fast food style which you have probably done before.

Choose to pamper yourself and have a date with the coolest person you know, yourself! This is one of the single things you must do before having to spend dates with another person for the rest of your life.

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Have a nice course meal and drink wine. Book your first fine dining experience alone.

Get Fit

The best time to be fit is now. Your body is at its peak, maximize it while it’s still up for some cardio, crunches and physical workout.

Achieve the body you would want in this time and phase of your life. Plan a workout and stick to it.

Remember that when you get married, you won’t have as much time for yourself. Plus wait till you have that baby bump. You might never experience being fit again.

Keep a Journal

We all have things to say about our day, and it should be written. Keeping a journal is one of the single things you should commit in doing.

You’re giving your future self a favor plus it helps in releasing your everyday stress. Forget about tweeting 140 characters of daily notes, go to the basics and write about your whole day.

Buy something Ridiculously Expensive

Have you ever felt the urge to buy that expensive dress or that designer bag? Go for it! It’s the perfect time you can think of yourself and feel different kinds of emotions: excited, enthusiastic, fulfilled, guilty, sad, comforted and content.

The stream of emotions after buying that ‘thing’ you never thought you could even afford is priceless.

Go ahead and buy it! It’s part of being single. You’ll eventually realize how well thought every single purchase would be when you’re with your partner and not living alone.

It’s actually also fulfilling when you get something ridiculously expensive for yourself.

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Learn Home Cooked Meals

If you don’t know how to cook then it’s the best time to learn how to. As they always say, “the way through a man’s heart is through his stomach.”Maybe you’re so used to serving and eating chilled food but you can never be too busy to learn home cooked meals.

Make this to your single things to do.

Conquer your Fears

Don’t let your fears conquer you and there are a lot of ways to conquer them.

Plan it as exciting and enjoyable as you can. Are you afraid of heights? Try sky diving. The sky is not even the limit.

Watch a Movie in the Cinemas by Yourself

Check out the cinemas and look for an interesting movie to watch.

You can try romance dramas that will let you cry like a baby and bask at that moment.

The feeling of watching a movie alone could be somewhat new to others but you’ll feel a sense of security and maturity after watching alone.

Write Snail Mails to a Long Distance Friend

E-mails and Watsup are so yesterday. Snail mails are a classic! Those dear letters you exchange to someone from afar are treasured gems you will look back in the future.

Try snail mailing a long distance friend and reach to them like someone from the past.

We all know how snail mail gets to someone after days or weeks so writing one needs to be very precise, truthful, and from the heart.

Make the First Move

The last of the Single Things you should do is to make the first move.

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Ladies don’t usually want to do the first move but try it and feel good about it.

Whether it’s asking for a date, messaging first, or paying for dinner, doing the first move does not really make you not ladylike.

It shows how independent and comfortable you are of yourself.

One of the best single things to do is to learn how to be alone comfortably.

When you come to realize these ‘Single Things’ to do, then you can make a whole lot of exciting things with the person you’ll spend your whole life with.

But before that, enjoy your independence. Love yourself and feel good about being single! There are so many ways to enjoy being alone than being with people. You just need to find where your heart leads you.