7 Science-Based Tips to Make Your Teen Sleep Better

Most parents worry about their children’s bedtime battles—and for good reason. It can be stressful, exhausting, and downright difficult to get them to sleep.

You’re not doing your teen any favors if you don’t get enough sleep. And yet, even if you’re a parent, chances are that you’re guilty of letting your own sleep patterns dictate how you’re handling your teens.

This may mean that you’re not getting enough rest, and that’s bad for your health. But here’s a secret: there are science-based, easy ways to improve your teen’s sleep habits, too. So, instead of going through the trouble of trying to get him to do what you want, just try out these tips to help your teen make his life easier. You’ll be amazed at how much he’ll thank you for it!

1. Find out if they have sleep issues

If you’re worried about your teen’s sleep or have tried everything to no avail, it’s time to start asking questions. A lot of teens do have sleep issues, especially those who are struggling with anxiety, depression, and autism.

If your teen is exhibiting any of these symptoms, you need to start a conversation about it. Ask him or her what he or she is doing to try and sleep better, and what isn’t working.

You may be surprised by what you find out, and that’s the best part!

2. Identify the root cause of sleep issues

For example, if your teen is in a fight with you and then falls asleep, the real problem is not that he’s getting too little sleep. The real problem is that he’s fighting with you.

If he doesn’t want to go to bed, that’s an issue all its own. But if he does fall asleep but wakes up again, then there’s something else going on.

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If your teen is having trouble sleeping, there could be several factors at play. Maybe he has a bad cold, and he’s getting a bit congested. Or maybe he’s been watching a scary movie, and that’s playing on his mind. Whatever the case may be, if you can identify the root cause, you can deal with it effectively.

Now, how can you do that? Well, you need to look at the behavior itself, and not just the behavior of your teen. For example, if you see that your teen gets out of bed multiple times during the night, then you’re going to want to look into the reasons why he’s doing that.

3. Create a customized sleep plan

Teenagers have different sleep needs than adults, and it can be hard to get them to adapt to a regular schedule. For example, it’s important to allow enough time for naps during the day, while teens who wake up early will need more time to sleep before bedtime.

The best way to know what works is to create a personalized sleep plan based on your teen’s specific needs. A lot of times, parents are too quick to make snap decisions about bedtimes, which is a mistake.

4. Consider behavioral strategies

Behavioral strategies involve implementing changes to your teen’s environment—rather than the traditional approach of telling him to do things.

When I was in high school, I would go to bed on time every night—even though my friends could tell that I was still buzzing from the day’s activities. But they didn’t know that I was using this tactic to get better sleep habits.

I would make sure that I had everything set up the night before. Then, if I woke up and realized that I needed something, I’d get it ready as quickly as possible. If I didn’t have anything to do, I wouldn’t get out of bed.

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It worked for me, and it can work for your teen, too. Just make sure you implement these tips for teens with behavioral problems or you’ll only make matters worse.

5. Address the environment

It sounds pretty simple, but it’s surprising how many parents are not aware that the quality of their home’s air has a direct impact on their child’s sleep.

The first step is to clean your house, which not only makes the air feel cleaner but also makes your child’s breathing easier and calms her mind. The second step is to get rid of the toxic air pollutants that can cause breathing problems, asthma, allergies, and more. This includes cleaning your furnace and air ducts, as well as using an air purifier.

The final step is to minimize the noise in your house by closing windows and shutting off unnecessary appliances. Even if you don’t have kids, this tip can help make your home a better place for you.

6. Consider medications

If you’re struggling to get your child to sleep, it may be time to consider medication. Medications that are specifically approved for treating sleep disorders can be used in conjunction with behavioral therapy to help children with sleep disorders.

Other medications may be prescribed for other purposes, including those for autism, depression, or anxiety. However, these medications can cause side effects, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about which medication might work best for your teen.

7. Offer a solution

If you’re like most parents, you’re tired of the endless battle of getting your child to sleep. The fact is, most kids are in need of sleep just like adults are.

It’s hard to stay awake when you’re stressed or worried about something. That’s why many people find it difficult to get quality sleep during the day.

However, there are some simple things that you can do to help your child get a good night’s rest.

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Kids should have a regular bedtime. It’s important for them to know when the time is to sleep and when it’s time to be awake. For children, this time could be anywhere from 5 pm to 7 pm, but for teens, it could be earlier, such as 8 pm or 9 pm. The important thing is that kids know when they should sleep. They can’t function well if they don’t get enough sleep.

When you think about it, it seems crazy that a child would be able to sleep while he or she is still awake. You might think that children are just wired, and they are, but that doesn’t mean they should stay awake all day.

If you don’t give your child enough sleep, he or she will fall behind in school. It is up to you to set a good example for your child. If you are awake at night, then your child should be, too. It’s important for your child to know that you are up and ready for the day.

Another thing to keep in mind is that kids need time to themselves, especially when they are young. They shouldn’t be forced to go to bed early. As your child gets older, you may want to change their bedtime, but don’t do that too early. Give your child a few years to


The best tips for teenagers are those that are based on proven science. This list contains the best advice that I have found on improving the quality of their sleep. For instance, they can take magnesium. They can also try getting out of bed earlier so they aren’t tired when they get up in the morning. The best part of this list is that you can use it as a guideline for your teen’s sleep and get better results.