Good Parenting Advice – Why you Should Let your Children Help in the Kitchen

Cooking with children can be a lot of fun for them and helpful for you! Children cooking learn a lot about the food they eat. They can see the recipe right through from the raw ingredients stage right up to the result. They will also love eating their creations, even if they contain vegetables!

Benefits of Cooking with Children

Cooking might be a chore for us but the kitchen is a fun place for kids. Cookery is educational for kids and a very good bonding experience between you and them. Children can learn new skills without noticing, which include weighing, measuring, understanding fractions and time. Schools do not tend to spend a lot of time teaching cooking skills to children so you might like to try teaching them yourself.

Getting your child involved in cooking will prepare him or her for self-sufficiency and an independent life. It is also a good way to handle fussy eaters because most children will eagerly eat something they have helped to make. The benefits of cooking with children include teaching your child an extremely useful skill.

Some Tips for Cooking with Children

You can involve children as young as four in your cooking. Before starting, you need to consider a few things. Make sure you read the recipe through with your child so you know what to do and what you need. Clear some space and get all the ingredients and utensils ready on a low surface, which your child can see.

Think about which parts of the recipe your child can do. Older children might be able to strain a bowl of boiling noodles or take something hot out of the oven but you have to be more careful with younger kids. Your child should already know not to touch sharp knives but might forget in the excitement of cooking, so keep them out of reach.

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In order for your child to learn about cooking, you should explain what you are doing each step of the way. Telling your child to mix a batter does not let them know why they need to mix those particular ingredients or what is going to happen next. Kids are naturally inquisitive and you will probably find that they do not stop asking questions the whole time anyway!

Teach your child to wash their hands before handling any food. If your child is young, tell them what you are doing as you prepare the food. An older child can measure the ingredients by themselves.

Recipes to Make with Children

Children love to knead and roll out dough, mix batters and crack eggs so you could make a cake together or some cookies. Pizza is a fun food and your child can decide on the toppings and arrange them himself. Icing a cake can also be fun for a child. If it is someone’s birthday, he can try to pipe a birthday message on the cake or arrange fruit on top. You might not get a particularly professional result but it will be fun for him and certainly appreciated by the recipient.

Whatever recipe you decide to make with your child, the most important thing with children cooking is to have fun. Cooking with children is an excellent bonding experience. Kids love to learn and it is always great to teach them something useful!
