The 7 Simple Steps to Help Your Child Learn Self-Control By Hitting 

Do you want to teach your kids self-control? The good news is that you can teach them self-control by hitting them in the face. I’m not kidding – just kidding.

There are lots of things that parents can do to teach their children self-control, but one of the easiest and most effective is to hit them in the face.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the seven simple steps that will help you get your child’s attention and teach them self-control.

Once you’ve taught them self-control, you can start using the seven simple steps to teach them self-control with your other children.

1. Ask Them Why

One of the best ways to teach children about self-control is to ask them why they are doing something. You can use this question as a way to teach your kids about self-control or you can use it as a way to teach your kids to do things for the right reasons.

For example, if you notice your kid is trying to eat candy from the vending machine because they are bored, instead of buying them a bag of chips or some candy, you can ask them why they want to eat the candy. They may not know how to answer you, but they’ll have to think about it. If they are honest, you’ll be able to tell whether or not they are just bored or if they are actually hungry.

2. Teach Your Children the Importance of Self-Control

Self-control is the ability to control your impulses and think before you act. When children are learning self-control, it’s important to be consistent and fair. This will help them understand the importance of self-control and develop the skills to use it when needed.

Parents who discipline their kids often do so in a consistent manner, such as spanking or giving a time out. If you choose to spank your child, make sure that you do so, in the same way, every time.

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Be fair, and don’t give your child more time out than they deserve. This can lead to children getting upset with you and even resenting you. They may even become afraid of you.

3. Reward Them for Their Self-Control

You can reward your child for good behavior by giving them something they want. For example, if you want your child to stop hitting their sibling, give them a toy or a snack. This teaches them self-control by rewarding them for stopping hitting their sibling.

4. Set Appropriate Boundaries

Set Appropriate Boundaries. There are three types of boundaries that parents should set for their children:

Physical boundariesThe first step is to establish physical boundaries around your child. When it comes to boundaries, it’s important to remember that it’s not always necessary to use physical force. If your child is a runner, you could set up a boundary by placing a line on the pavement or marking off a designated space.

If your child is a couch potato, you can place a large chair in the center of the room and tell them that they must sit on that chair while watching television. This will give them a physical barrier to prevent them from staying too long in front of the TV.

Social boundaries – We’re going to use the word “social” a lot in this article because it’s an important part of the seven simple steps. But it’s also important to define what we mean by “social” when it comes to teaching self-control.

A social boundary is a line between your child’s personal space and the rest of the world. When we say “social boundaries” we’re talking about the lines that separate the physical world from the digital world. You have a social boundary with your family, but you also have a social boundary with your friends. You have a social boundary with strangers, but you also have a social boundary with animals. And you have a social boundary with yourself, but you also have a social boundary with inanimate objects.

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It’s important to teach your children social boundaries at an early age. Otherwise, they will constantly cross boundaries and become socially aggressive. This can lead to a lot of negative consequences such as bullying, cyberbullying, and even sexual assault.

This is why it’s important to set the right social boundaries for your children. You can use these seven simple steps to help your children learn self-control by setting the right social boundaries.

Emotional boundariesChildren need boundaries to keep them safe, healthy, and happy. A lack of boundaries can lead to many problems, such as violence, bullying, addiction, and other issues. While you can’t control your child’s future, you can help him or she avoid those problems by setting appropriate boundaries for them.

I recommend setting two types of boundaries for your kids: physical and emotional.

5. Let Them Fail

When my kids were young, I made it a point to let them fail. I didn’t have a set of rules that said they couldn’t fail. In fact, I encouraged them to fail as much as possible.

I wanted them to learn how to deal with failure. This is why I always told them that they could try anything and that it was important for them to learn from their mistakes.

If they failed, I would tell them to try again. If they didn’t, then it was time to move on.

6. Don’t Be Intrusive

If you want to teach your kids self-control, you’ve got to make sure they hear it. While there are plenty of ways to teach self-control, the best way to get them to listen is by not being intrusive.

This means not hovering or nagging, but rather, providing clear instructions, using appropriate language, and avoiding emotional manipulation.

This might sound easy, but it’s not. Your kid doesn’t want to be told to stop doing something that they love. You’ll need to work on finding a balance between not being too intrusive and being too obvious.

7. Use Your Voice When They Hitting Others

As a parent, it’s important to have a voice when they’re hitting others. You should say “no” and give your child a gentle reminder that it’s not okay to hit someone.

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Of course, your child is going to want to hit others – especially when they’re angry or frustrated. The key is to teach them self-control so they don’t hit their siblings or other children.


When it comes to your kid’s behavior, you’re trying to make it less bad, not make it go away. “Your first job as a parent is to stop it from happening in the first place,” says Dr. Lori Dufault, an associate professor of psychology at St. Lawrence University in New York. “That’s not going to happen if you focus on changing it later on.” Instead of trying to change your child’s behavior, focus on building up his or her self-esteem, social skills, and self-control. And always remember that even if you succeed in turning a toddler’s behavior around, your kid will still be just as likely to be naughty tomorrow.

Your first job as a parent is to stop it from happening in the first place. That means stopping your child from being mean or rude to other kids. It is very important that you set limits for your child so that he or she doesn’t make mistakes. Parents should teach their children to follow rules and use good manners. They should show them how to treat other people properly. Kids need to understand right from wrong and what is acceptable and what is not. They must learn about their own rights and duties. They also need to understand that what they do affects others.


Toddlers have no concept of self-control, and their brains are not fully developed yet. Therefore, it is important that they learn to use good judgment and self-control to develop their executive functions. There are a lot of things that toddlers and young children can learn from their parents, grandparents, older siblings, friends and peers, and other adults.