Must Have Fundamentals for Raising Kids – Step by Step Guide

Are you a parent who wants to raise your children in the best way possible? I can’t imagine any parent who would say they don’t want to do that.

But what if I told you that you could raise great kids without spending a dime? And even better, without being a great parent? Well, here’s your chance.

In this blog post, I’m going to share my personal experience with raising four kids from the age of 5 to 17, as well as some of the things I’ve learned along the way. I’ll also show you how I’ve been able to turn our parenting experiences into a system that you can use to raise the best kids you can. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. But I am saying it can be done.

The Ultimate System for Raising Great Kids – The secret to raising great kids is having them around. And this system allows you to have them in your home all the time!

Step 1: Teach them to fear God

Do you want to raise your children to be the best they can be? If so, there’s only one way to do it: teach them to fear God.

As a child, I was taught that there are consequences to everything we do and that these consequences will eventually catch up with us. As I grew older, I realized that my parents were right; this is indeed true. So why is it then that I’m not afraid of anything?

After learning about God’s love, I was able to understand how to love others. This was my first step towards becoming a great man.

I believe that if you teach your children to fear God, they’ll become great men. Not because they’re afraid of God, but because they understand God’s love.

Step 2: Create a safe and secure environment

They will always try to explore their surroundings, so they need to be kept away from dangerous things, such as knives, guns, alcohol, drugs, etc. They also need to be kept away from the Internet or other media that they might get exposed to. The same goes for your home. If you have a child, I recommend you make sure that your home is a safe and secure environment. There are plenty of ways to do this, but I’ll list a few below.

  • Set boundaries
  • Use the “no” power
  • Be consistent

Step 3: Teach them to learn from their mistakes

Children need to understand that they will make mistakes sometimes. They should be allowed to make mistakes, and they should learn from them. Mistakes should not be punished. Instead, they should be seen as an opportunity to learn. When they do make mistakes, it’s okay to tell them how you feel. It’s okay to forgive them for their mistakes. There is no such thing as perfect parenting. Every parent has their own parenting style.

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Step 4: Teach them to make decisions

I remember my parents telling me “if you want to be a good parent, then you must teach your children to make their own decisions.”

When we were young, we were given a lot of freedom, and there was always plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. We were left alone with our imagination, and as we grew older, we learned to trust our parents more. If you want to raise great kids, then teach them to make decisions. When they are old enough to make their own decisions, give them the freedom to do so, but provide them with good reasons why they should make the right choice.

Step 5: Teach them to be responsible

I’m not going to lie, there is no secret to raising great kids. There is no one way of doing it, and there’s no magic formula. What I can tell you is that I had my own kids at an age when I didn’t know what I was doing. In fact, I spent a lot of time trying to find the right answers, before I discovered the right questions.

I thought about what other people were saying, but I realized that the people who had the best parenting skills weren’t the ones who had the most kids. The real experts are the ones who have the fewest kids. So if you want to raise great kids, you need to learn how to be around them. And then you need to be open to the fact that you don’t know everything, and that you may need to ask for help from others. But I’m not going to tell you how to raise great kids.

I’m going to give you a system for raising great kids that I used to raise four kids of my own. It’s not about having rules, and it’s not about punishment. It’s about teaching responsibility. And it’s about building trust. Asking for help is the foundation of this system.

Step 6: Teach them to respect others

Respecting others is a vital part of growing up, and there are some things you can do to help teach your children to respect others. I believe that if children are taught to respect other people when they are young, they will naturally grow up to be respectful adults. For example, I was raised by my parents to be respectful of older people. So I’m not afraid of old people or their opinions. If I disagree with someone, I’ll explain why, but I’ll never call them names or say anything mean.

Step 7: Teach them to communicate effectively

This is one of the most important skills to teach your kids. In fact, the ability to communicate effectively is the single most important skill you can teach your children. If they can’t communicate with you or others, they can’t succeed in life.

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For example, I taught my kids how to talk in front of other people, but I also taught them how to write a short note to a friend or family member that would help their relationship improve. And I did the same for my own relationships.

Step 8: Teach them to manage money well

I am not a financial expert, but I do know a thing or two about teaching kids to manage their money. So here are a few tips on how to do that:

  • Start young – It is never too early to start teaching your kids to manage their money. The earlier you start the easier it will be. For example, you can start by teaching them to give away small amounts of money. If they have to choose between spending on themselves or giving to others, then they will learn to prioritize other people.
  • Don’t forget the big picture – You want to teach your children to be good with money. But you also need to teach them to look at the big picture and see that everything has a purpose. For example, you can teach your kids to buy a new toy, but you need to explain to them why this toy is important for them. You can also explain to them that all of life’s problems can be solved with money.
  • Set rules – This is probably one of the most important things you can teach your children. You need to set boundaries around how much money they should spend and what they should spend it on. They need to understand that spending money is not free.
  • Create a budget – This is a very important step in teaching your kids to manage their money. You need to create a budget so they can see the consequences of their spending. Also, you need to have a budget that is realistic.
  • Teach them to save – Kids need to learn to save money. If they don’t learn to save money, they will spend it all and then have nothing left to live on. So make sure you teach them to save for something. It could be a toy, an adventure, or even a college fund.

Step 9: Teach them to understand values

My kids are constantly being exposed to the values we live by and the things that matter to us as a family. My oldest son understands these things as well as any child his age, but he was never taught about them. He simply grew up in a world where everything is free and nothing matters.

He never had to learn how to think, and he doesn’t know what it means to work. But now, I’m teaching him. I’m teaching him how to understand values because that’s what separates us from the animals. It’s what makes us human. It’s what will allow him to become the man he is meant to be.

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Step 10: Teach them to be grateful

Have you ever heard the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone?” Well, this is the same sentiment with kids. Children grow up so fast, and many of us are only with them for a short amount of time.

We often think of ourselves as the parents and our kids as the children. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. We can teach our kids to be grateful from the moment they enter our lives.

So how can we do that? It’s actually quite simple. All you have to do is be thankful for everything you have. And if you’re a parent, it’s easy to become so focused on your kids that you don’t even notice all of the things that they have. So here are a few tips to help you start being grateful for what you have right now:

  1. Think about what you don’t have. It’s hard to be thankful when you’re not looking at what you don’t have. So take a moment right now and think about all of the things you don’t have. Are you struggling to pay your bills? Do you worry about your family’s financial situation? Does your house need some work? Are you tired of being sick? Take a look around and think about all of the things you don’t have.
  2. Make a list of all of the things you don’t have. Writing down all of the things you don’t have makes it easier to appreciate the things that you do have. And by making a list, you can actually start to see that you do have some good stuff, even if you didn’t realize it before.
  3. Remember to be grateful. I know this sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget to be thankful for the little things in life. Think about the people in your life who are close to you, and be grateful for them. Appreciate all of the amazing things they do for you.

By being grateful for all of the things you have in life, you can teach your children to be grateful as well. When your kids are old enough, have them look back at their childhood, and remember all of the things you did that made them happy.


Raising a happy, healthy, loving family is not easy. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and effort. You need to be in it to win it. And there’s no way around it. However, I know you can do it. You just need the right information, tools, and guidance. I’ve been there. I’ve raised my three beautiful children and I’ve got all the tips and tricks I learned along the way.