How To Handle The Terrible 3s Of Your Child

When it comes to being a parent, the words that pop into your mind might be “good”, “bad” and “terrible”. But when it comes to having a child, the words that come to mind are probably the opposite. These three things, however, should never be avoided. They are simply part of every parent’s life.

Do you know when your child starts to throw a temper tantrum? We all do. But some parents can’t seem to stop these tantrums from happening. And they might even resort to physical punishment of their children. But you don’t have to be that parent. There are a few steps you can take to handle the terrible 3s of your child’s tantrums:

To Handle Your 3s of Your Child, Calm them down

If your child is throwing a temper tantrum, the first step is to try to calm him down by yourself. But if this doesn’t work, the next step is to call a friend over to help you. If your friend isn’t available, ask a close family member or neighbor to help.

But don’t give in and let your child win; he might start a new cycle of “calming” you down. Instead, explain to your child what happened, why you are angry, and how you are feeling.

Next, encourage your child to give you a hug and apologize for his actions. And if he still won’t calm down, then you can go ahead and take him outside, get a good 10-minute walk, or a fresh air break to calm him down.

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Give them the attention they need

I remember one day, my daughter was throwing a fit at the park. I told her she needed to calm down, but she refused. I gave her my best stern look and told her she would get in trouble if she didn’t stop. This seemed to work.

The next time it happened, I tried another approach. I asked her what was wrong. She started screaming about how her doll had been taken away. I immediately sat down with her and started talking about the situation in a calm voice. She calmed down within a couple of minutes.

It is amazing how quickly these three tactics can help. Try them out the next time your child is having a tantrum, and you will see that you can handle the tantrums of your child much easier.

Focus on their interests

Parents often say that the terrible 3s of a child’s temper tantrums are when the child is “angry,” “crying,” and “frustrated.” The thing is, when kids throw tantrums, they’re not necessarily angry or frustrated with you. Instead, they’re just acting like themselves.

For example, a child might throw a tantrum when they’re hungry and you keep asking them to finish their food. They might get frustrated because they can’t figure out how to use an iPad. They might be angry when they can’t figure out how to do something, but they don’t have the ability to express it. And they might cry when they’re sad, but they’re not really crying over something you did.

What you can do is to focus on what your child really wants when they throw a tantrum. That’s why I recommend using a reward system. When your child throws a tantrum, tell them you’ll give them a reward if they finish their food in a certain amount of time. When they finish their food, offer them a reward. If they finish their food and start playing with it, offer them a second reward. If they want to play with it, even more, offer them a third reward. You can also try giving them different rewards, such as an ice cream cone, a new toy, or a treat. The goal is to make sure your child gets what they want.

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Give them something to do

Give your child something to do if they are having a tantrum. It doesn’t matter how silly or childish the task is. The most important thing is to get them doing something other than throwing a fit. If you sit in front of a TV with them and ignore their crying, then there will always be more crying. It is better to make them do something like counting, coloring or listening to music.

Let them learn from their mistakes

Most tantrums are actually opportunities for us to teach our children something. While we might not be in the mood to teach them anything right now, giving them chances to learn is what makes them grow into responsible adults.

Let them learn from their mistakes!

This can be done in many different ways. For example, if your child is throwing a tantrum because they are hungry, let them eat first. You can also give them some extra chores to do while you are on a call or at work so they have something to do with their time. This will teach them to keep themselves busy and not to have time to waste.

You can also use this opportunity to teach them how to calm themselves down. It’s not always the best thing to hit them or get angry with them, but a good firm smack on the bum will often help them calm down. And it’s always better to avoid hitting them than hitting them.


In conclusion, I think it’s important for parents to know that their children will experience the terrible 3s at some point in their lives. If you’re a parent, I encourage you to accept this fact and prepare yourself mentally for when it happens. It’s not fair to expect the world of your child, and I’m sure you don’t want to be unprepared for them either. You can only do so much, but you can be prepared and work through them with your child. This way you can have a healthy relationship with your child and they will learn from their experiences.

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As parents, we all know how it is when our kids are bad and they do things that really hurt us. We may be angry with them, disappointed in them, or even sad about what they did. But we all know that they’re just kids.

And we try to deal with them in the way we would want to be treated. That’s why I wrote this article on handling the terrible 3s of your child. I hope you find this information useful!