5 Ways Parents Can Train Their Toddler To Stop Pushing Other Toddlers

As toddlers grow up, they become more and more aware of what others are doing—and more aware of their own power and influence over them.

It’s been said that there’s no such thing as a baby who’s not a baby anymore. And it’s true. As babies grow older, their personalities change. But what about toddlers? Can parents really train them to stop pushing other toddlers around? Yes, according to some experts. Toddler pushiness can be trained. And while we’re on the subject of teaching kids to behave, here are 5 things you can do to get your toddler to stop pushing others around.

1. First, get them to understand how their actions make other people feel when they push other toddlers

Start by letting them know you notice that they are getting aggressive with other children. If they are in a playground or at home, have them play with the toys they are not allowed to play with. They are being quite aggressive with those toys. You have a talk with them about why they are acting like this.

Explain to them how it makes other children feel when you push them away. You tell them it is not okay to do this and they need to respect other people. It’s good to remind them of these lessons once every day so that it becomes an automatic thing.

2. Explain that we don’t like when people push us

Kids are very good at being very annoying. And most parents will agree with me here. The reason why they annoy us is that kids seem to have no regard for anything. It’s like they don’t care if they hit someone or not. They don’t understand that people are not toys. And I can’t see any other way to teach them this. It’s important for us to explain to them what a nice person is and why we want them to be nice. But we know that sometimes this is not going to be easy to do.

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Because when it comes to toddlers, it’s much harder than it looks. We should first consider how we want them to behave. And then try to teach them. If we say “be nice” and then they start pushing everyone out of the way…Then we might end up with a kid who doesn’t have any respect for anyone else. This would make life very difficult for them later on in life. So we must be very careful about how we explain to them that being nice is something that we want them to do.

This means that when we try to explain that we want them to be kind to people, it’s important to do it in a way that shows that we understand how difficult it can be. There are lots of ways to teach kids to be nice. You can try to give them some good reasons why being kind is good. Or you can just let them know that if they’re kind to everyone, then that will make them feel better about themselves. Then it will become less likely that they’ll push others out of the way.

3. Let them know how to behave in a way that makes other people happy

Toddlers tend to have little regard for the feelings of others and are very interested in what they want at the expense of others. They might push their way through a crowded place, hit other children, and cause trouble. They also tend to ignore the wishes of others. So, if you ask them not to do something, they’ll ignore you. If you try to stop them from doing something they don’t like, you might get into a fight with them.

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If you say, “Don’t be naughty,” they might feel hurt and ignore you. What would be the best way to help your toddler behave in a way that makes other people happy? The first step is to help your toddler learn to understand other people’s feelings. This means that you need to teach him that people are different from him, and that it is okay to show different interests, emotions, and behavior. You can do this by simply letting him know that his behavior does affect others, but not by saying things such as: “You always do that” or “You’re annoying.” Instead, say: “I can see that it makes you feel sad when you hurt yourself.

I don’t want you to be sad. It’s not okay to hurt yourself.” This is just the beginning of what you can do to help your toddler learn to behave in a way that makes other people happy. It can take a lot of patience and time for toddlers to understand how to behave, but this is worth it because it will help them in the long run.

4. Show them how to be nice

So the first thing to do would be to think about what is the opposite of being nice. This is not nice…How about this instead? I know this is quite a difficult concept to grasp. But think about your own child. How would you react if someone came up to them and said this? Would you laugh and think it was hilarious? Or would you want to kill them?

The same is true for your child. It might be hard to think about it but I hope that helps. Being nice is not the opposite of being mean. It’s more like being kind or compassionate. Being nice is about wanting to make other people happy. That’s why it’s so important to teach toddlers how to be nice. It’s about trying to get others to feel good.

5. Help them learn to ask for help

One of the ways to teach toddlers to ask for help is to involve them in the process. Start by asking them…”Have you ever seen me upset?”. “Do you know what I do when I’m angry?”. “How do you feel when you want something but don’t know how to get it?”. “Do you know what you should say to someone who is angry with you?”. “How can I make sure you are happy?”

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By having these discussions, you will help them learn to be more open and honest about their feelings. It will also give them a better understanding of what their feelings mean. I think the most effective way to teach toddlers to ask for help is to involve them in the process. By doing this, you will have a chance to help them learn what they need to know, as well as to teach them that it’s okay to ask for help.


Learn what to say and what to do in order to help a toddler learn how to behave appropriately with others. Sometimes a toddler can become rude, pushy, or mean to other toddlers. This behavior is usually caused by the parent allowing a child to get away with things they should not have. If your child is being too rough with other children, they may have been trained to do so. This can happen when you were not firm enough with your toddler, when you rewarded them for pushing other kids and when you allowed them to bully other kids.If you don’t know what the word ‘No’ means to a toddler, then you’re setting yourself up for a constant struggle. I know how tough it can be for a parent who wants to say ‘NO’ to their toddler’s requests… And that’s why I created this guide. When your toddler is constantly pushing other toddlers around, you need to get your toddler to understand that pushing other kids around is not acceptable. And the best way to do that is through daily consistency in your discipline.