5 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Can Cause Biting

Many mothers say that they can’t stop breastfeeding their babies because it feels so natural.

One of the reasons that many moms give as to why breastfeeding can cause biting is because their baby can’t latch properly. But it turns out, this isn’t always the case. While babies that don’t latch correctly might be more likely to cause some issues, it’s actually not at all uncommon for a mom to bite her own breast during breastfeeding. Here are 5 reasons why breastfeeding can cause biting:

1. Breast Milk Has Tastes that Can Be Appetizing to Baby

The first reason is that breast milk has tastes that can be appetizing to the baby. As a mother, I can tell you this one-hundred percent. Breast milk is sweet, creamy and has a lot of vitamins, which are great for your baby. However, there are some things that you can do to ensure that your baby doesn’t get overly excited about the taste of breast milk.

When breastfeeding, you can take a break between feedings and give your baby some water or even a pacifier.

While breast milk has some tastes that may seem appetizing to your baby, it does not contain the same tastes that we find in other foods. For example, breast milk has flavors that are not typically found in other foods. This is because breast milk is made up of the food that you are eating and the fats that you are producing. As such, you should ensure that you are feeding your baby foods that are both nutritious and tasty.

2. The Scent of Human Milk is Strong and Distinctive

The odor of milk changes over time. At first, it is not very strong, but as the baby consumes more milk, the odor becomes stronger. If your baby is not eating enough milk, the smell will be weaker. If you are using breast milk that has been refrigerated, there will be less odor.

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Most babies start to get hungry around 4 or 6 weeks after birth. The more milk they drink, the stronger the scent will be. Once they are ready to eat solid foods, the smell will be even stronger.

Breastfeeding can cause a lot of other problems. You may feel that your baby is not getting enough milk and is not gaining weight. You might also feel that your baby is not getting enough to eat.

If you notice any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor.

3. When a Mother Feeds Her Baby, She Engages with Him

As any mom knows, breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural process, but it doesn’t always feel quite so pleasant when you are the one being fed. A lot of mothers say that they can’t stop breastfeeding their babies because it feels so natural.

In fact, many women say that the reason that they can’t stop breastfeeding is because of the way that their baby latches on to them, making it feel like it’s an unavoidable part of life. However, it turns out, this isn’t always the case. While babies that don’t latch correctly might be more likely to cause some issues, it’s actually not at all uncommon for a mom to bite her own breast during breastfeeding.

4. Nursing a Baby Can Lead to Biting

As mothers, we all know that breastfeeding is an essential part of healthy and successful family life. Not only does it help our babies grow up happy and well-adjusted, but breastfeeding is great for both us and our baby!

But, as every mom knows, there are times when things don’t go perfectly. While some babies have issues, other moms experience some mild discomfort when breastfeeding. If you’re experiencing a nipple sore or a dry/cracked breast, you may want to consider some ways to make the situation better for both yourself and your baby.

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Here are five of the most common reasons why babies bite their mom’s nipples while breastfeeding:

 The baby is unable to latch properly.

While breastfeeding can be an amazing bonding experience for a mom and her baby, if you and your baby are having trouble latching, it could cause painful and/or dangerous situations. A baby may struggle to latch on correctly and a mom could feel uncomfortable with what’s happening. If the baby isn’t able to get all of the milk out, then the mom may feel pressure from the nipple and begin to bite it to release the milk.

The baby has a tongue tie

Tongue ties are very common among babies and most are easy to fix. However, they can become problematic if a mom isn’t aware that there’s a problem and attempts to continue breastfeeding with an untied tongue. If she continues to feed her baby without correcting the issue, then she could end up hurting herself.

The baby is in a forward-facing position

Some moms report that they have an easier time latching when their baby is in a semi-reclined or upright position. If the baby is too active, however, he may be unable to lie back enough to comfortably feed. In this situation, a mom may try to put pressure on the baby to recline by using her hand to force him into a more relaxed position. This can cause mom to accidentally bite her nipple.

There’s not enough milk supply

When the milk supply isn’t adequate, the mother may feel like there’s not enough milk for her baby. She may therefore have an urge to use her hand to guide the flow of milk out of her breast. However, if there is no adequate supply, the mom may find it necessary to bite her own breast in order to release some milk.

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The baby has a medical condition

Sometimes breastfeeding can cause a mom to accidentally bite her breast if her baby has a medical issue. For example, mothers with low iron levels can experience uncomfortable feelings, such as a burning sensation or numbness. If this is the case, she may have an urge to bite her nipple in order to release some of the milk or alleviate the uncomfortable feeling. It is important to note that while these issues can occur, they are not the norm. Most babies will feed well when they’re breastfeeding, and moms won’t find themselves biting their nipples.  

5. Some Babies Are Biters

Most babies who are born with a tongue tie usually don’t notice it until they start to feed.

If they do notice it, they tend to just pull at it, rather than try and find a way around it. And if they do get stuck, they typically don’t know how to release it. This makes them more likely to bite themselves.

But there are times when babies with a tongue tie bite themselves because they are just so frustrated. A tongue tie is a band of tissue that connects the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. It is usually caused by damage or poor positioning of the tongue while a baby is in the womb.

When babies are born prematurely, the tongue may not have formed properly and can get stuck inside the roof of the mouth, making breastfeeding more difficult. If you notice your baby struggling to latch on, it’s probably time to get them checked out by a healthcare professional.


It’s natural and completely normal. If you are breastfeeding and experiencing these symptoms, you’re not alone. It’s completely normal and if you are experiencing any of these, don’t be afraid to speak with your health care provider.