How to Avoid Emotional Triggers in 5 Simple Steps

Everyone has triggers. We all have our moments of weakness, the triggers that can bring us to tears. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve been through, or what you’re going through now, there’s always a trigger that can leave you in emotional turmoil.

But the good news is that we can learn to identify these triggers and avoid them.

In this article, I’m going to share with you the 5 simple steps to avoid emotional triggers. You’ll be able to use these tips to build stronger relationships, live a happier life, and even succeed in business.

Step 1: Know Your Trigger

Most people have a unique set of triggers that can affect them. In some cases, these are physical triggers such as a bad smell or a loud noise, but more often than not, they’re mental.

For example, most people have a particular time when they feel sad or a bit down. Some people have a set of negative triggers that happen whenever they start a new job or a new relationship.

It’s important to know your triggers so that you can recognize them when they occur. Once you know what they are, you can plan ahead.

For example, if you’re a shy person, you might want to avoid the supermarket at peak shopping times. If you’re a social butterfly, you might want to avoid big parties or new opportunities for fear of being overwhelmed.

If you’re a type-A personality, you might avoid making any new investments or business decisions. The list goes on and on.

Step 2: Identify What You’re Trying to Avoid

Identify what you’re trying to avoid. What are the things that tend to make you feel the worst? What are the things that can set off your emotions? What are the things that can trigger your stress? What are the things that can break your heart?

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As you start to identify these triggers, you’ll find that they’re very common. So, instead of focusing on what you’re trying to avoid, focus on what you’re looking to gain. By making these changes, you’ll see that you can achieve more and you’ll be able to better handle your triggers.

The more you identify what you’re trying to avoid, the more you’ll notice that you’re trying to avoid the same things over and over again. As you start to look at the things that you’re avoiding, you’ll find that they’re actually very common.

Step 3: Replace Negative Triggers

If you can identify what you’re trying to avoid, then it should be pretty easy to find a replacement.

Instead of avoiding the trigger, replace it with something that feels better. For example, if you’re trying to avoid your parents, instead of being with them, you can spend time with your friends or doing a hobby. If you’re trying to avoid a situation where you’re going to be sad, you can take a walk, write down a gratitude list, or even give yourself a gift.

You can also use a trigger replacement when you’re trying to avoid a trigger in the future. For example, if you’re worried about your father dying in the future, you can start taking better care of your body now.

Step 4: Determine Your Emotional State

This is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself happy and healthy.

When we’re in emotional turmoil, our body releases a chemical called cortisol, which is responsible for causing us to be angry, stressed, or sad.

So how can we control our emotions? One of the best ways is to determine the cause of our emotional state.

To do this, we need to determine our current emotional state. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you feel happy? Or do you feel depressed?
  • Do you feel relaxed? Or anxious?
  • Are you angry? Or are you calm?
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Once you’ve determined your emotional state, it’s time to determine your triggers. Triggers can be anything that causes you to feel unhappy. You may feel sad if you see a sad face, you may get anxious if you hear a scary story, and you may feel angry when you’re being insulted. These are just a few examples of what you can feel when you’re triggered.

Step 5: Focus on Your Goal

Many people struggle with goal-setting because they don’t know how to define their goals. As a result, they set goals that are so broad that they are impossible to achieve.

When setting goals, you should consider your values. When you do this, you’ll begin to understand why you want to reach your goals.

Once you’ve identified your values, you should start by asking yourself what you want to achieve. You’ll need to make sure that you’re going to be happy when you’ve reached your goal.

As you begin to think about your goals, it’s important that you keep them in mind for the long term. The longer you hold on to your goals, the easier they will become.

Ways to Focus on Your Goal:

When you’re working on something new, it can be hard to focus on the task at hand. You might have a vague idea of what you want to achieve, but the details can be hard to pin down.

I’ve had this problem myself, and there are a couple of things I’ve learned along the way. First, the more you know, the more you understand, and the more you understand, the more you’ll be able to do.

Second, when you’re facing a challenge, listening to your inner voice is just as important as listening to the outside world. If you’re trying to make a decision, asking yourself “why?” can be a great way to break down the problem into smaller chunks.

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Third, try to keep yourself as calm as possible. You can’t control your environment, but you can control how you react to it. If you’re feeling stressed, you might try taking a deep breath and reminding yourself of your goal.

And last, if you’re feeling frustrated, ask yourself why. Don’t let the frustration eat you up inside. Instead, think about what you could do differently to solve the issue, and then take action.


There are so many emotional triggers that exist in life, and the internet is no exception. Emotional triggers are those feelings, thoughts, or memories that cause someone to act irrationally. The trick to avoiding emotional triggers is to pay attention to yourself and become aware of your reactions. If something causes you to feel anxious, sad, angry, or fearful, you’ll likely react negatively and act impulsively. This means you’re more likely to give in to the urge and act on the trigger without thinking it through.

When you notice yourself getting triggered, step back and take stock. Ask yourself if you’re being irrational, or if the trigger is valid. If it’s valid, try and remove yourself from the situation. If it isn’t, just be aware of it and learn from it.


We all have triggers that affect our emotions. Whether they’re physical, emotional, or mental, triggers can influence our actions, our relationships, and even our health. The good news is that we can overcome them if we know what causes them. In this post, I’ll teach you 5 simple steps to help you overcome those triggers and keep you calm and collected in any situation.