How Flu Is Actually Making You Sick & What You Can Do To Avoid It?

“When you think flu, you think miserable. But when you actually get flu, you probably think about what you can do about it”.

Flu viruses are not just something that happens to other people. They happen to you too. And, since a person can become infected within one hour of an exposure, it is more dangerous to others than you might think. Flu can spread quickly, leaving you vulnerable to a deadly illness. This is why it’s important to prevent the flu in the first place. We all know that taking the recommended precautions such as washing our hands and covering our mouth when we sneeze will help, but what’s the best way to get protection? How can you protect yourself and your family?

The Flu Virus: What Are They?

Viruses are microscopic organisms that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases such as AIDS. Influenza viruses are a family of viruses that are responsible for most cases of flu-like illnesses. They’re most often found in birds, but they can also be spread to humans through direct contact with infected animals. Once they infect a person, they will remain dormant in the body until they’re exposed to a trigger usually a fever.

Then, the virus will begin to multiply and wreak havoc on the person’s immune system. Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. Most commonly, influenza viruses are spread through the air from one person to another through coughing and sneezing. However, some types of influenza viruses can be spread through contact with infected objects or surfaces, including hands, noses, or mouth.

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Symptoms of the Flu

– Some of the symptoms of the flu include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, fatigue, and vomiting.

When Is Flu Season?

Flu season can come at any time of the year, but it usually arrives at the start of winter. This means that if you live in the southern hemisphere, your first chance of seeing symptoms might be around November or December, or a few months before summer. This doesn’t mean that the flu virus will strike immediately. It will hang around until your immune system builds up enough resistance to deal with it.

Prevention Tips

Prevention is an important component of flu prevention, so it should be a key part of your plan for flu prevention at home. A good place to start is with a clean house, and when you clean, make sure to remove dust from your furniture, especially the couches and chairs. Wash all bedding and blankets in hot water, and if they’re too small, wash the entire comforter or duvet cover. Make sure to remove dust from your mattress as well. Flu season is the perfect time to practice prevention and catch a cold.

To make prevention more successful, make sure you get plenty of sleep, wash your hands often, eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated, work out, get a flu vaccination, and don’t spend too much time around sick people. This can also help prevent spreading germs.

Home Remedies for the Flu

Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Get out of bed, even if it means sitting on the couch. Take a walk outside if you’re able. Stretch and do some gentle yoga. Don’t eat any foods that don’t agree with you, such as spicy or cold foods. For a quick and easy remedy, try ginger, honey, and lemon with warm or hot water. It’s a traditional remedy to cure cough and colds. Garlic and onion drink these both known as antibacterial and antiviral.

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Protecting Yourself from the Flu: What You Can Do to Protect Your Family

For many people, the flu is just a mild nuisance. However, it can become a serious illness for someone with certain health conditions, including those with compromised immune systems. Protect yourself and your family by staying healthy, especially in the winter months when the flu season begins. If you are sick, follow the doctor’s orders and take your medications correctly. Get plenty of sleep, it helps your body heal and fights germs.

Drink lots of water, it helps you avoid dehydration and flushes out toxins. A flu outbreak is not something you want to deal with. The flu is a serious illness that can cause severe symptoms and lead to death. There are things you can do to protect your family from getting sick with the flu, and you should always be prepared when you go out. Make sure you and your family have the proper vaccinations before going out in public places. If possible, get a flu shot, and if you don’t have a shot, get it as soon as possible.

Flu is a contagious virus. It can be transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets. People with flu usually have a fever, cough, sore throat, and body aches. You should also be careful when you are around people who have flu symptoms. You should wash your hands frequently.

Make sure that you wash your hands when you get up in the morning, before eating, after using the bathroom, after you sneeze or cough, etc. You should always be careful to wash your hands after touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. You should also clean your nose often. Also, you should avoid touching your face. If you don’t, you might get sick. You can try taking vitamin C supplements and foods that are rich in vitamin C because this can help to prevent you from getting sick.

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If you have flu, make sure to stay away from others as much as possible. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Try to rest and take a shower if you feel too tired. Stay away from other people who are sick and take a break when necessary. You should also try to eat right and drink plenty of water.

Final Words

In conclusion, flu prevention is a combination of physical, mental, and social practices. This infographic provides tips on how to prevent catching the flu from others and being a healthy living as well to avoid having flu.