Fitness Blogging Tips for A Moms

If you’re a mom with a fitness blog, then you’re probably wondering how to make money from your blog.

Here are 5 tips that will help you get more traffic to your site, earn money from your blog, and become a successful fitness blogger.

In this article, I’m going to share some of the best fitness blogging tips that will help you to create a profitable blog that’s fit for moms.

Use pictures

You don’t have to write a book to make money with a fitness blog. In fact, you don’t even need a lot of content.

What you do need is eye-catching, interesting pictures that tell the story of your workout routine. This is a basic SEO tip, but it’s one that many beginners forget about.

It may seem like a simple point, but if you’re trying to rank for certain keywords, it’s vital to create great content with a strong headline. You want people to read your post and get stuck into it, not scroll right past it because they can’t find the post.

A good way of doing this is to use images in your posts. These images should be relevant to the article, which means that they should be related to the topic at hand.

As an example, let’s say you have a blog about yoga. You could show a picture of yourself doing some yoga moves or a picture of you practicing a new pose.

If you’re using stock photography, then make sure you have permission from the copyright owner to use the image. Otherwise, you could end up in hot water when Google comes across your post.

Be real

Being real is one of the most important blogging tips. While being authentic is good, it’s also important to stay away from fake people. Fake people are those who only pretend to be something they aren’t.

Fake people can make it very hard to trust them, and it’s often better to trust no one. But if you’re not careful, fake people can make it very hard to trust yourself.

So if you’re new to the world of blogging, don’t start your blog on Facebook, because Facebook is full of fake people.

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This is a common mistake among new bloggers, and I have to tell you that this is one of the most common reasons why your blog isn’t performing as well as you’d like it to.

A link is a piece of text that’s connected to another website. They are usually used as an external source of information, and they’re also a great way to generate links back to your site.

If you’re trying to rank on page one, then you need to make sure that you have lots of high-quality links pointing to your site.

While you can get links by buying them from link directories or by paying for links, this is a very slow process. If you want to rank in Google quickly, then you need to get links organically.

Here are a few tips that will help you get more organic links for your blog:

Write guest posts for other blogs

This is the most powerful link-building technique that you can use. If you write great content on another site and the owner of the site allows you to post it on their site, then it’s an easy way to get links to your site.

While you can use guest posting to generate links back to your own site, it’s also a great way to generate traffic for your own site. You can write about topics that you know are interesting to your readers, and you can also create an SEO-friendly title and tagline that will attract potential readers.

Submit your content to article directories

One of the easiest ways to get more links to your blog is by submitting your articles to article directories.

While there are many article directories out there, the two best are Ezine Articles and Article Base. Both of these sites have a large number of high-quality directories, which means that you can get a lot of quality traffic from them.

Another advantage of submitting your articles to article directories is that they can help you to get more backlinks. When you submit an article to an article directory, they will generally link back to your site.

Ask people to share your content

Another great way to get links to your site is by asking other people to share your content on their social media accounts.

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This is a great way to generate a lot of traffic, and it’s also a great way to generate engagement. You can use a tool like Buzzsumo to find the best social media platforms for you to post to.

This is another great way to get more links to your site, and it’s one of the easiest ways to get more backlinks to your site.

You can create a section on your site where you link to other sites, and this will make it easier for readers to share your content on social media.

Create videos

While you can write about any topic, writing is always more engaging when you use video. This is because it’s much easier for people to watch a video than read an article.

If you want to rank in Google, then you need to get more traffic to your site, and if you get more traffic to your site, then you’ll get more search engine traffic. You should be doing all of the things mentioned above to get more traffic to your site, and you shouldn’t worry about whether or not they are SEO-related.

Make it easy for readers to share

You want your readers to be able to share your articles with their friends, family, and followers. This is why it’s important to have a share button on your website and in your content.

While it is possible to create share buttons manually, there are a few ways to make this easier.

A great way of doing this is to use a plugin such as Shareaholic or ShareThis. These plugins will automatically generate the code for you.

These plugins also allow you to track how many shares you get, which can be valuable if you’re looking to drive more traffic to your blog.

Be consistent

This is one of the most important fitness blogging tips for moms. Consistency is what will separate you from your competitors.

It can be difficult to maintain consistency when you have a busy life, but the effort will pay off. It’s important to set aside time every week to write and publish your content.

A good way to start is by scheduling a specific block of time for writing and publishing your content. This will make it easier to stick to the plan, especially if you don’t enjoy writing or don’t want to put in the hours required to get it done.

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It’s not just about the post frequency, but also about the quality of the content. When it comes to content, it’s better to have less but higher-quality content. This means that you should write posts that will be more useful for your readers than just the latest diet fad.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your writing style and voice. As long as your message is consistent, you’re going to get more traffic.


This list of fitness blogging tips is especially important for moms who want to start a fitness blog. It will help you determine what kind of content you should be posting on your blog, and how to maintain a consistent message when you’re blogging.

If you want to start a fitness blog, then this list of fitness blogging tips can help you get started. It will help you make the best choice on what kind of fitness content you should post on your blog. It’s a great idea to keep a consistent message when you are blogging because it’s easy to lose readers if your posts aren’t interesting. You also need to know how to choose the right keywords to attract more people to your blog. You can use keywords such as workout, fitness, diet, weight loss, healthy, etc. You should also know that many moms are using blogs as a source of inspiration and motivation. If you want to encourage others, then you need to have a good, engaging voice. It’s important to write about topics that interest your readers.


Don’t underestimate the power of blogging. It’s not for everyone, but if you can commit to a regular routine of blogging, you will see results. I’m sure many of you are aware of the many benefits of being a fitness blogger. But, did you know that blogging about fitness has other benefits? Like having a platform for your brand, becoming a go-to resource for your niche, and even making extra money from your blog? These are just some of the reasons why fitness bloggers are so successful. They are also passionate about fitness and have a desire to share their knowledge and expertise with others. Fitness blogging is one of the best things that can happen to a brand or business, so it’s no surprise that the industry is booming.