Follow These Atomic Habits For Better Parenting 


When it comes to having a successful parenting life, there are three things that matter most. They are consistency, discipline, and consistency. The biggest mistake that parents make when raising their children is to try to control them. It’s like trying to control a wild animal. You can’t. You can apply atomic habits for better … Read more

5 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Can Cause Biting


Many mothers say that they can’t stop breastfeeding their babies because it feels so natural. One of the reasons that many moms give as to why breastfeeding can cause biting is because their baby can’t latch properly. But it turns out, this isn’t always the case. While babies that don’t latch correctly might be more … Read more

10 Simple Steps to Introduce Allergens to Your Baby


A common question that parents face when introducing food or other new substances to their baby is: How much should I give my baby? “Introducing allergens to your baby can cause an upset stomach or other illnesses that are easily avoided with the right knowledge and preparation.” Allergies are a common problem in babies especially … Read more

Child Development: 8 Years Old Maturity Level


It’s important to develop a mindset that will help you manage time, energy, and thoughts better, and lead you towards the things you really want in life. It’s hard to know if you have good time management skills. You might be the most organized person you know. But, is your schedule flexible? What about your … Read more