5 Reasons why we do not Share!

Reasons why we do not Share

Some people like to share whatever they have with those around them while others do not. Yet some others like to share in some areas but not in other areas. Typically we pass everything through a filter in our mind. Everything that passes through this filter can be shared while those things that cannot pass … Read more

When Letting Go Means Growing

Letting Go Means Growing

There you are in your business. You have been growing it by yourself for the past two years. You are in a phase now where you are busy and there just isn’t enough time in the day to get done what you need to do. That is a sure sign that it is time to … Read more

Advantages of a 403(b) Retirement Plan

403(b) Retirement Plan

The 403(b) retirement plan is a great financial structure for saving money. Much as with a 401K plan, contributions to your 403(b) retirement plan are made on a pre-tax basis. This can reduce your income tax bill tremendously. Not everyone can take advantage of a 403(b) retirement plan. They ‘re only available to employees of … Read more

How to Get Rid of Debt Fast!

How to Get Rid of Debt Fast

How to get rid of debt fast? This is the common question asked by people who are facing huge amount of debt. They don’t see their debt reduced even though they have tried the best to repay it. “how to get rid of debt fast” is one of the keywords that get the highest search … Read more

5 Steps to Effective Debt Consolidation

5 Steps to Effective Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a common practice to manage multiple credit accounts into one monthly payment for ease of debt management. It is a simple process, but you have to do it right in order to effectively maximize its advantages for the most benefit for you. The basic debt consolidation guide involves the 5 steps below, … Read more

Retirement Planning and Tips

Retirement Planning and Tips

When it comes to retirement planning, no age is too young to begin. It helps to have some practical retirement planning and tips to help you define and meet your retirement goals. Most people never bother with retirement planning which is why the majority of Americans will have difficulty supporting themselves when they reach retirement. … Read more

Living on a Budget

Living on a Budget

With income inequality growing ever wider, it’s becoming increasingly important that people start living on a budget. Budgeting your day to day expenses isn’t hard when you know how to budget your living expenses , and where to find the resources that allow you to cut as many corners as possible. According to Paul Krugman, … Read more

What is a 401k Plan?

What is a 401k Plan

A 401(k) is a powerful tax advantaged retirement instrument, provided by some employers, in which the employer or employee or both, contribute money towards a fund that the employee can tap into once he or she retires. Many citizens look forward to retirement when they can finally escape from the day to day commute and … Read more

All the Major Types of Credit Cards Explained

Major Types of Credit Cards Explained

There are many types of credit cards out there for those who need them. The features that separate each type include their interest rates, fees, rewards, where they can be used and who can obtain them. For those thinking of acquiring a credit card, it is best to consider everything out there to see what … Read more